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Dr. Manthiram delivered the 2019 Chemistry Nobel Prize Lecture on behalf of Dr. John B. Goodenough
Featured Posts
Celebrating with BEST Lab New Masters
2023 New Year Field Trip
Newly merged university opens - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Congratulations to 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner: Pioneers Developing Li-ion Batteries
Photo with Prof. John B. Goodenough
Our new publication in Nature Communications - Li-S Batteries
Recent Posts
Our new paper in EcoMat (IF: 10.7) "Integrated Contact and Chemical Prelithiation Method to Boost Coulombic Efficiency of Si-based Anodes for Li-ion Batteries"
Our new paper in Advanced Science (IF: 14.3) "High-Entropy Non-Flammable Ionic Liquid/Dimethoxymethane Composite Electrolyte for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries"
Grateful and Honored: A New Chapter as Associate Professor
A Memorable Year-End BEST Lab Trip: Cheers to 2025!
The list of award-winning teachers for tutoring overseas students in the 112th academic year is released, congrats to Prof. Su!
Featured on the Frontispiece in Small Structures (IF:13.9) "Small Molecule Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Exceptional Long-cycle-life Li-ion Battery Anode Materials"
Our new paper in Journal of Power Sources (IF:8.1) "A Yarn-ball-shaped Graphene Microsphere-coated Separator Design for Enhanced Electrochemical Performance in Li-S Batteries"
Afternoon Tea Gathering – Celebrating Hard Work and Mid-Term Success!
Our new paper in ACS Applied Energy Materials "Green Synthesis of Graphene Flake/Silicon Composite Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries Using a Ball-mill-derived Mechanical Transfer Technique"
Our new article in Small (IF: 13) "Advanced Li-S Battery Configuration Featuring Sulfur-Coated Separator and Interwoven rGO/CNT Fabric Current Collector"
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