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Our new publication in Chemical Reviews "Rechargeable Lithium–Sulfur Batteries"

The demand for energy increases steadily with time due to population and economic growth and advances in lifestyle. As energy usage increases, concerns about environmental pollution associated with the use of fossil fuel are becoming serious. To mitigate these issues and reduce our dependence on fossil fuel, alternative energy technologies based on renewable sources need to be developed and adopted, e.g., solar and wind energies. However, solar and wind energies are intermittent; therefore, it is critical for efficient and economical storage of electricity produced by renewable sources to be competitive.1 Rechargeable batteries are one of the most viable options for electrical energy storage (EES). Rechargeable battery systems, such as lead−acid, nickel−cadmium, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ion batteries, have serviced humankind for over a century with their use in a variety of applications, e.g., portable electronic devices and automobiles. As the functionalities of the portable electronics become more sophisticated and the demand for electric vehicles and storage of electricity from renewable sources increases, advanced rechargeable batteries need to be developed. Cost, energy, power, cycle life, safety, and environmental compatibility are some of the most important parameters to be considered.

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