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R&D 100 Award "The Graphene-Silicon Composite Anode Material"

Consumers are clamoring for next generation electric vehicles and smart devices but limited battery life has continued to hamper growth.

To help solve the problem, Global Graphene Group (G³) and its subsidiary, Angstron Energy (AEC) have developed GCA-II-N. The new graphene/silicon composite anode material has been designed to give lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries the capacity for higher energy storage while reducing size and weight. In November 2018 R&D Magazine acknowledged the achievement by presenting G³ and AEC with the R&D 100 Award.

“Smartphone users will be able to use their phones longer before they have to charge them,” says Dr. Bor Jang, CEO of G³. “Drivers of electric vehicles will be able to travel further. By using a graphene-enhanced anode, we can make smaller, lighter weight lithium ion batteries with higher storage capacity. This is especially useful in applications where space is limited such as mobile devices, drones and power tools.”

The award is the latest in a long line of milestones that have helped to generate more than 400 patents for G³. The leading commercial producer for graphene, G³ was the first company to successfully produce nano-graphene sheets in 2002. It patented the first production method for pristine graphene the same year. Jang and Dr. Aruna Zhamu founded Angstron Materials in 2007 and filed a patent for graphene-silicon anode technology. In 2012 Jang and Zhamu built the world’s first facility for the mass production of graphene.

In 2016 Jang announced he would open the company’s extensive patent portfolio for licensing agreements. The open architecture approach created a graphene ecosystem that has helped to foster innovation and collaboration. The same year G³ was formed to create a holding company for Angstron, Nanotek Instruments, AEC and three other divisions. Pilot production of GCA-II-N was launched in 2018.

“I’m very proud of our team and the hard work they have invested to help us realise the GCA-II-N product,” says Jang. “We are also pleased with R&D Magazine’s recognition. It underlines our continuing commitment to search for new ways to provide development and commercialisation of affordable graphene-enabled solutions to our customers.”

Headquartered in Dayton, Ohio, US G³ is the world’s largest producer of graphene material and a leader in graphene utilisation and application. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified for full-scale graphene production. It develops, sells and licenses graphene and graphene-enabled technologies to support the evolution of products that include electric vehicles, phones, tires and paint. This pioneering work in the graphene market has provided a strong foundation for inventions like its graphene-enabled battery technologies.

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